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SKC Conformation Show:

CONFORMATION SHOWS are the most common show in the canine world. Dog's are judged on how closely they match their breed's standards.


SKC Fun Show:

FUN SHOWS are every other type of show that can be run within a community, such as photography events or canine talent shows and canine beauty pageants.


SKC Canine Sports:

CANINE SPORTS include things like canine agility, where a dog is judged on how well it can complete an obstacle course. Other sports include Dock Jumping or Racing. There is a long list of accepted shows for this category.


SKC Obedience Show:

OBEDIENCE SHOWS are used to gauge how well trained a dog is in day-to-day situations and how well a dog can follow basic commands.

SKC Contest Informations

Source: SKC community 

Starpopit's Pretty Little Paw from Starpopit's Border Collie
Planned Shows

Every contest/shows are hosted by the official Sims Kennel Club. If you want to subscribe a dog for a contest, you'll need to be a registred member of the SKC community.



OBEDIENCE SHOW: First Official Herding Trial:

Planned Date: november 2013

Description: Wanna show how good your Border collie (or an other ''herding breed'') is in herding? This show isn't a conformation herding show.

Categories: A: Small dog B: Small Dog, photo edited C: Big Dog D: Big dog, Photo Edited

Title: Best in Show | 4x Best in Class | 1st | 2st | 3st

Link to the competiton: -none- 


Fun Show: Fall Border Collie Beauty:

Planned Date: October 13 2013

Description: Who has the prettiest «Automn Border Collie Queen?»

Categories: Puppy & Adult

Title(s): Best in Show 

Link to the competiton: -none- 


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